Friday, February 5, 2010

Fall of American Society As We Know It

I know it has been a bit since I have written but due to a lack of internet it couldn't be helped. Which leads me to my newest rant.

We have all noticed the lack of jobs in America as of late but what many of us fail to realize is the larger picture here. I really began thinking on this during a conversation I had with my oldest daughter about what she is learning in her History class right now.

She has been studying the French Revolution. Anyone connecting the dots yet? Well if not let me draw the picture for you.

If we go back to our High School we remember that the French Revolution came about when the lower classes (Proletariat) became so enraged by their stations in life and the division of wealth that they rose up against the ruling class (Bourgeoisie). Because of the soaring price of staple items and the lack of pay for the common person starvation and disease was rampant and those that owned the jobs refused to aid the worker in giving them a living wage so that they could afford the necessities for survival. Once the people were driven to desperation they turned on their masters and lead a revolt to take back what was theirs on forge a better life.

The same was seen here in the states during the dark days of slavery. The slave owners wold keep their slaves in squalor so that even if they tried to run they could never make it far because of a lack of resources.

We as average Americans are now finding our selves in the same situations. Our bourgeoisie class has taken to sending our work over seas so that they can increase their profit margin. The lack of available jobs has created a mentality in employers wherein we are all disposable and they have no need pay more when there are 40 other people waiting to take that job for a dollar less an hour. And to top it off the prices of staples of survival like fuel, power, health care and food have increased.

This series of events now has many of us finding ourselves short on bills, eating Raman Noddles, and pirating our internet from the neighbor that paid their cable this month. More and more we are all seeing news stories like this one from November of 2009 and the situation isn't getting any better.

All of this is driving more and more of our population to desperation and depression. Because of our desperation we are willing to take jobs that can't support us and our families because it is all that we can get and then we are forced to leave our children alone so that we can work more. Then our children begin to fail in school, act out in class, and turn to crime and mischief. It is a complete breakdown of our society all because a few people want to make $21 million this year instead of the $20 million they made last year.

Sadly the time is coming that our nation will rise up or completely disintegrate. We are on the cusp of our own "French Revolution". It is up to us to find the way to take our lives back or start learning a new national anthem because if we don't change things soon we will lose our flag.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." ~Declaration of Independence 1776


  1. Im feeling a coup coming on ;)

  2. When did the French revolution occur? I don't recall, however, I do know that it was centuries in the making, and that those large gaps between the poor and the rich became more prevalent after the Black Death. I am guessing it was near the nineteenth century, since Napolean was the figure head who was given authority after the coup and then named himself "emperor." But, then again, I'm not that well-versed in history.

  3. The dates were 1789–1799 of the actual revolt. I also agree that it was not a sudden event. But then again neither is what is happening now. Granted it is a truncated time scale now but I feel it is kinda like boiling a frog for us.

    During the French Revolution it was a gradual increase of the problem. For us it is a more sudden event. Or is it. The same sort of thing created the Great Depression. We corrected our economy but checks and balances tat were put in place have systematically removed. So the question is; do we let them continue to turn up the heat till it is too late or just jump the fuck out of the pot.
