Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Flag Day

So a friend of mine posted a Jolly Roger on Facebook for Flag Day and a friend of his had this to say: "We have friends and family dying everyday, why don't you put up the flag that they all look at everyday to remind them why they are there? What you are doing seems very disrespectful."

After reading this response it got me thinking. Why should we have this blind pride for a flag. I understand having pride in your country and the symbols we use but what if you are as let down as I am by our country?

Keep in mind that there are many flags that have flown in the past that garnered such blind pride and later fell from grace. A perfect example is the Nazi flag. Don't get me wrong, I am not calling the US Nazi Germany but I am guessing that the Germans had as much pride as we are expected to.

Just because we are Americans doesn't mean our shit smells like roses. On this day of reflection over our flag we need to take a moment and ask our selves why we are proud of our country. Are you proud of the rampant consumerism that exploits anyone and everyone it can? How about the fact that we are sending our young men and women out to spill their blood for lies and oil? Maybe your proud of our corrupt political system and the religious stranglehold on our country.

Just remember that it is more patriotic to question the system for the betterment of the nation that it is to blindly goosestep with the crowd. We have seen where that patriotism leads. Granted I would guess that a concentration camp of gays would be wonderfully decorated. (Yes that was a joke)