Monday, March 29, 2010

Smok'em If You Got'em

It is true I derive a majority of my topics from conversations I see happening over my Facebook. I find it the best way to talk about what people care about. This post will be no different.

Today a family member posted that smoking should be illegal because it annoys here that she can smell it when she goes outside. To this I ave to say, "Get over yourself". Too many things are being deemed illegal because a select few have an issue of some sort with it without REALLY thinking about what impact it may have.

Now keep in mind I am in no way advocating smoking. I am a smoker and have tried to quit many times. I council many people that they should never start in the first place but he fact remains that there are approx. 45 million Americans that smoke (as per CDC). Also statistics (not a fan of statistics but hey have their uses) show a decrease of approx. 65% (CDC) since 1997.

Now that those are out of the way lets get back to the meat and potatoes of this rant. I feel that non-smokers need to shut their yaps about smokers unless they want to foot the bill for a smoking rehab for every single of the 45 million Americans that currently use the single most addictive drug on the planet. There are those ex-smokers (they are the worst) that seem to think that any smoker can just up and quit like (*snaps fingers*) that. What they have forgotten is the hell they went through. I liken it to getting pierced or tattooed. Shortly after you are done we all seem to forget about what we went through and simply love the end result. Then you have the "half assed" smokers that smoke about a pack a week. You are not smokers therefore your success in quitting does not count. I liken it to a person that smoked a little pot in their teens telling a crackhead how easy it is to quit.

All of these people need to simply back the hell off. I am a respectful smoker. I stand down wind of non-smokers if I can. I don't smoke in the homes of non-smokers. Non-smokers come to my home I smoke outside an hour before their visit and through the duration of their stay. I do this in hopes that the non-smokers will give me the same respect by not hounding me constantly about it. But that never seems to be the case. Just like the current smoking laws in WA State.

We smokers have been steadily forced into hiding and taxed more than ANY other Americans. A law was passed that there is no smoking allowed restaurants, bowling alleys, and bars. Now the first 2 I can get behind but the bars has been a huge sticking point to me. Who goes into a bar thinking about their health? We go to bars to drink poison, dance to music that is louder than a jet engine, and try to take a stranger home to have sex with but god forbid we have to breath smoke too. Once that was passed they moved on to say we cant smoke withing 25 ft of a building. Now we have increased the taxes on tobacco by 300% making it the single most taxed product Americans consume.

So I sit here trying to be respectful that there are people that don't smoke while they repeatedly disrespect me.

Lets play with a slippery slope argument for a moment. Lets ban smoking because it is bad for you. Then shouldn't we ban other things because it is bad for you? Here is a proposed list.
Any Fast Food
All Hostess and Little Debbie snacks
Internal combustion engines
Microwave ovens
Cell phones
Cow farts
The Sun

The list goes on.

So non-smokers I will respectfully ask you to shut the hell up about the fact that I smoke. I do my best to not do it around you and all I ask for in exchange is the understanding that if I could quit I would and would rather not penalized for my addiction tat no one seems to want to help me cure. If you want us all to quit the pony up the dough to get us all patches because would you really want 45 million irrational angry Americans on your hands? That is what Republicans are for.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"We're Not Gonna Take it. No! We Aint Gonna Take it...Anymore"

This morning Jennifer woke me to a news story I felt needed to be shared with my audience. As we discussed it I realized there is a disturbing trend happening. On that note lets fist dive into the stories themselves.

1) Miss. prom canceled after lesbian's date request
In this story a Mississippi senior was informed she would not be allowed to bring he date to the prom because they were a same sex couple. After petitioning their decision the school board decided to cancel the prom all together.

2)6-Year-Old Boy Suspended From School
This 6 year old boy was suspended for playing guns on the playground. The gun in question was the child's fingers. He was suspended for 2 days.

3)Soldier suspended from school
A 17 year old Eagle Scout and recent graduate from Army Basic Training was suspended for 20 days for having a 2" blade in his locked car.

4) My 10 year old nephew, Dalton, was recently suspended from school for "spreading rumors". A friend had told Dalton about a crush he had on a girl. Later that day th boy claimed that Dalton had told others about the crush.

5) My son JR was suspended from school for the last day before winter break because he was sitting in the hall outside the cafeteria waiting for is lunch. JR is a Running Start student so the first half of his day is spent taking classes at the college. After that he goes to Rogers High School (so you all know the boobs that did this) to have lunch and finish his day at the HS. He wasn't suspended for skipping but instead he was suspended for showing up for class early.

These are prime examples of how our schools have allowed power to go to their heads. "Zero Tolerance" in school and "distractions to the educational process" have turned our schools into a minefield for our children. Any action that many would see as reasonable or normal for a child now holds the potential to drop our children into suspensions or even arrests (As was the case for Alexa Gonzalez).

Have our school administrators lost all contact with reality or is this just their way of feeling like they have some authority. These are basic civil servants that have so little in their lives that they are now taking out their frustrations on our children. I will be the first to say that a large reason I dropped out of school was due to the persecution I faced in school over the years and I would be a fool to think that these hapless middle managers hadn't done the same to countless other youths. So for those of you that have been suspended (or have children that have) for pointless infractions don't be afraid to stand up for yourselves.

I am all for working with the schools to better education but when we allow actions like this to go unanswered we help to perpetuate the system. Arresting a student for having a plastic butter knife has nothing to do with education. School administrators are nothing more than accountants and babysitters. They are not the police or law makers and hold no real power. If you think they are being unreasonable there is a good chance you are right. We are not slaves to authority as Milgram would have us believe but we must speak out when we (or our children) are wronged.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wren's Movie Review

So I just finished watching the newest Michael Moore film "Capitalism: A Love Story" and I have to say it was his best yet.

Now I understand that many people have issues with Mr. Moore and his films but I still feel this one s a must see. He has shifted from his high-minded (but enlightening) attacks that we all know from "Bowling for Columbine" and "Fahrenheit 9/11" to presenting a sound argument.

In the film he takes on the American banking system and what it has turned this country into. More so he is calling the rally cry to all American to take back their country. The closing scene of the film says it all.

(Voice over on a black screen)Moore: I refuse to live in a country like this. And I'm not leaving.
(Fade to scene of Moore placing crime scene tape around Goldman Sachs, CitiBank, etc.)
(Fade to black with voice over by Moore)Moore: You know I cant really do this anymore unless those of you watching this in the theater want to join me... Speed it up.

JR watched some of the film with me and his responses spoke volumes about the common felling about this topic. It depressed him. He said it made him feel powerless and depressed because he is about to be forced into this bleak world where he too will be exploited for the riches of the top 1%.

It amazed me that a 17 year old would feel this way about the world around him. What legacy are we leaving for our children if this system of corruption and exploitation continues? It is time that we stop waiting for someone else to stand up first and fight for our future. If we all step forward then none of us will be alone. I am making my first efforts with this blog t take my country back. What will you do? We can either sit back and bitch that there are no jobs and the economy i in the shitter or we can do something.

I liken it to having your house on fire while you sit in your living room waiting for the fire department rather than getting out the garden hose and doing something. This country is on fire and being looted and we are sitting by thinking we are powerless. WE ARE THE "We The People"!!! It is OUR country not he bank's. The sad part is that we are now in a situation where any that we could vote for are just as corrupt as the banks themselves (cause they work for both). The time has come for us to take action. Now I know I only have a few readers but for every 1 person that reads this they know 10 more. Take to the streets in peaceful protest. Phone or email your elected officials and if they wont listen vote them out. If you are being forced out of your home by a bank DON'T LEAVE. If they are stealing your money quit using the bank.

Just like the commercials say: "ITS MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!!!" More so: IT IS MY COUNTRY AND I WANT IT NOW!!!"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Where Has the News Gone

Have I gone insane or is the news gone?

The last few times I have tried to sit ad watch the News I have noticed a disturbing trend. The don't actually show news on the News anymore. Last night was a perfect example of this new trend.

I sat and watched the segments of the KXLY News cast at 11pm and this is what I found. 10 minutes were spent covering local and national news and local weather. The next 20 minute of the broadcast were spent on state basketball tournaments. That was promptly followed with about 5-10 minutes of fires and car accidents from Virginia, Florida, and other parts of the country.

Not once was there any mention of the wars we are waging around the globe, our financial crisis, lack of jobs, or the natural disaster in Chile (guess Haitians are more important to Americans). I guess the flaming shit storm this country doesn't rank high enough on our agendas.

I must be strange because I seem to be more concerned with why there was a SWAT team less than a mile from my home conducting a raid and how many more Americans lost their lives in a war for oil than if Gonzaga Prep. beat Enumclaw.

It is pathetic that a van rolling over on a freeway in Virginia and a monkey loose in Tampa get more coverage than the fight for a national health care plan.

Here are the current (2-5-10 6:56p PST) stories on the front page of AOL.
1)'Details Emerge About Pentagon Shooter'
Internet posts reveal John Bedell, who
opened fire on police, believed the
government was behind 9/11 attacks.

2)'I'm Very Open in Talking About My Wife'
America learned about Danny Gokey's
loss on last year's 'Idol' -- but what he
said on stage is hardly the entire tale.

3)'I Had a One-Night Stand When I Was 39'
Mary Pols isn't proud of that, but she
is proud of the beautiful baby boy she
ended up conceiving that night.

4)'He Holds Porsche's Future in His Hands'
Michael Mauer heads the automaker's
design department. He sat down with
us to talk trends & what inspires him.
The car he wants in his garage

5)'You're So Vain' Isn't About Who You Think'
Denying it's David Geffen, Carly Simon
says it could be about Jesus or Mozart,
keeping fans guessing for a bit longer.

6)'Apple, Meet Your Latest Competition'
Its name, JooJoo, means 'magical' in
an unspecified African language, but
its capabilities are quite specific.

7)'He Survived for 7 Months in a 'Torture Box'
Released from his captors, Eduardo
tells Matt Lauer about living conditions
that were 'enough to make you crazy.'

8)'Dan Solomon Probably Isn't Great at Poker'
He'd never really played before joining
a tournament in Vegas. He had one
goal: Outlast the editors of Maxim.

9)'Meryl Streep's 26-Year Oscar Losing Streak'
How could the superb actress win only
2 of 15 nominations? A closer look at
ballots revealed source of her bad luck.

So that makes 1 out of 9 stories that have ANYTHING to do with REAL news!!!!!!!!!
With all of this in mind I would like to say to any hack that claims to be a reporter or in the "news" business that this is NOT news!!! This is garbage that should be reserved for E! and FoxNews. The news is a place for the world to get caught up on world and local (that are actually local) events. We don't care if Paris Hilton showed off her cooter, or tat the octo-mom is still a whore. We care if we are going to wake up to a mushroom cloud over downtown, a crackhead at our door, or a pink slip at work. Pull your collective heads out of one another's asses and report the effing news or go home because I would be more than happy to do your job correctly for half what you make.