An agent recently received a submission from writer looking for representation that didn't follow the agent's "guidelines fr submission" and was greeted with a standard form rejection. This is a normal occurrence in the writing world. Where things started to turn south is when the writer responded with a nasty-gram to the agent which again is kinda common in this circle. The icing on the cake is when the agent then proceeds to attempt to defame the writer to the general public by inciting a hate haiku thread on Twitter (which seems be the meeting place for agents and writers).
Now normally this wouldn't be such a big deal but it has placed a spotlight on what I feel is a huge issue with the publication process for aspiring authors.
*note: There are still some that don't fall in this description and writers thank you for it.*
Agents are getting too powerful in the industry. They are the gatekeepers between the writer and publishers. Because of this many agents have adopted a high and mighty attitude. Many have said that if your book contains certain characters or character flaws that writers shouldn't even bother submitting or even go as far as attempting to blacklist writers that don't treat them with the respect they feel they are due.
This saddens me as an avid reader and and one that loves and supports an aspiring author. As a reader I think of all the wondrous stories that I will never have the chance to read because the right asses weren't kissed. I think of all of the Mark Twains and R. A. Salvatories that will never be published because they allowed the stress of constant rejection to get to them for just a moment.
Because of this incident there are 2 factions forming in this community. On one side we find the brave and honorable souls that have risked their own dreams and careers to speak out against this issue. The other faction are those that feel they need to kiss an agent's ass so the hop on the agent's bandwagon and bully a writer without pity in hopes of some favor in the future.
In my opinion I would say that those stepping up to defend this deplorable and unprofessional behavior are worse that the original offenders in what should have been a private conversation. They are the ones that cow to the inflated egos of the disreputable agents that help to further inflate them and reinforce their idea that they have some right to decide what is worthy and what is not.
So in short this is a salute to those that have the guts to stand up to bullies. Please take the time to read through their blogs.
A Roller Coaster Kinda Day
Can't Let It Go
This Makes Me Sad and Sick
Bullying is Bullying Period
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