So as I was going through my morning routine of Code Red Mt. Dew, a cigarette, and a skim through Facebook I was drawn to a posting from one of my narrow minded* Neo-Con family members that drove me to start digging a bit. (*I don't mean to say that all Neo-Cons are narrow minded but or that Liberals aren't also narrow minded)
I was presented with this picture of President Obama and the First Lady saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
The caption this family member posted read: "When you never pledge allegiance, you don't know what to do. Are both of them as dumb as they appear? Note both have rings on their left hand ring finger. His suit coat is buttoned correctly, his lapel pin is correctlyon his left side, so it is not a mirror image picture. Have they never put their hand over their heart toPledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America??! Absolutely unbelievable ..."
Now we will take a look and see the many things I found that set off my ever so sensitive bullshit sensor.
So as we can see this image was not just flipped to create an illusion but was knowingly PhotoShopped so that it was more believable. Sadly so many people actually believed it too. SO lets take a look at whats wrong here. It will be kinda like those seak and finds we all loved from Highlights Magazine when we were kids.
1) We can see from the dark line to the left of the rings that they would have o be about 6 inches thick to cast a shadow that far up each of their fingers.
2) Michelle has her hair parted on the wrong side.
3) The Marine in the background of the PhotoShopped image has his medals on his right breast not his left as per regulation.
What truly astounds me is that people are so desperate to discredit this man as to go and make up fake pictures of him. Hell if you want to take the time to make the man look bad in the public eye and have some skill with PhotoShop why not go the full 9 yards and play with some gay porn and the president. Do they not have enough problems in their own lives? Are they just mad because this time they lost? Does it really matter either way? The bottom line is that Americans have become so angry and ignorant that we buy into this garbage hook, line and sinker without ever doing 3 minutes of research before we state our "facts".
What angered me more was that my wonderful counterpart pointed out the mistake to the family member that posted the picture and they had the nerve to claim they DID research this and found the article on Snopes that proved it was a PhotoShopped image. Keep in mind that if she did what she claims then her caption to the picture she posted was nothing more than an attempt to perpetuate the lie. I think it is more of a cast that she didn't want to admit her laziness and ignorance.
And this children is the problem with America today. We are bombarded from all sides with ignorance and because we have been taught not to ask questions we swallow the piles of manure with a smile and proceed to regurgitate it to any that will listen. Be a free-thinker. Question authority. Check facts!!! Because the moment you become a mindless drone that steps to because your party says this is the "truth" is the moment we accept the path to the nightmare Orwell showed us in "1984".
On that note I would like to welcome you all to my blog. Feel free to comment and discuss because this is a haven for Free-Thinkers but be warned, If you chose to attack and berate I reserve the right to respond in kind. I would simply ask that if you chose to comment please make it thoughtful and accurate. My greatest pet peeve (aside from the elderly) is ignorance. Speak from your heart and you intellect not from your party line.
You know what else I find awful about this? The amount of people who saw this photograph and actually BELIEVED it was true. Go check this out:
That's supposed to be a blog that "represents" Dallas. I think there are a lot of people in Dallas who would be pretty pissed off at being made to look like a naive fool. Don't you?
I agree and this is exactly what I was talking about. One person post something like this and soon after it is all over the web and the lazy and ignorant of America begin to buy the bullshit. Soon after we find on FOX New (change the o to a u and then you know what they are really doing to the news) being reported as fact.